lsabel Liao | 服裝設計 | 台北服裝設計 | 台中服裝設計
lsabel Liao I’ve always been interested in sewing, and last year, when I was in the US for college, I did a sewing internship at a ballroom, wedding, and evening dress store. About a month ago, a classmate from SMFA suggested I take classes here, and I started learning draping. Ms. Lin is beyond patient with my questions and will always explain things as many times as it takes for me to understand them. Even though Mandarin isn’t my mother tongue, I still don’t have any trouble with her explanations. There are usually a handful of students at a time but I rarely ever have to wait to get help, and it really feels like she’s fully focused on each and every one of her students. Although there are multiple students, it’s not a group class; everyone is working on something different. Hence, I never feel like I have to rush and can take my time working on each step till I’m satisfied with the way it looks. Ms. Lin is extremely dedicated and passionate about teaching. She has a high standard for her students, and gives specific feedback after every step on what can be done better and how. Under her guidance, I’m improving immensely.
我從小就對裁縫有興趣, 去年在美國唸書時還在一家國標婚禮服裁縫店實習。 一個多月前, 在美國藝術學院的同學介紹了我來跟林老師上課, 我就開始學立體裁剪。 林老師對我很有耐心, 任何步驟她都願意解釋兩三遍。 雖然中文不是我的母語, 她講的我都還是聽得懂。 每次去上課都有好幾個學生但老師不會分心, 還是很認真地教每一個人。 雖然學生不只一個, 這也不是團體班。 每一個人做的東西都不一樣, 因此我可以不用勾趕工, 也不用等其他學生。 我每個步驟都可以做到自己滿意。 老師對教學十分熱心, 仔細。 她對學生的作品有很高的水準而且每一個步驟做完她還會詳細地講解有哪些能夠改進的地方。 在老師指導下, 我真的進步得很多